
The concludion

Until now, I introduced about JSDF, U.S. Army and national defense. Basing on these things, I want to state my opinions.

It has been about 60 years from the defeat of Japan at the last war. These days, after some decades from the defeat, many people who thought the army is evil, disarmament is the only way for peace were appeared. Even now, there are many people who claims that JSDF and U.S. army must be dissolved or must withdraw from Japan. It goes without saying that if all army of each nation is disappear overnight, the misery war must get fewer than now. It is true to a certain degree. But I want you to think the follows.

The religious conflict, the ethnic conflict, and so on are the problems which made the man worry for a long time: even before the born of Jesus Christ. To peruse the human history, there are no nations which didn’t experience any war with neighbor nations. Sometimes there were some nations which experienced the internal disunity. So the conflict is what we call human karma. The man is what we call social being. The man can’t arrive without society. And the society is stand on the sharing one’s sense of value with others. So the man precludes others who don’t have the same sense of value to protect one’s society. Further, although, too extreme speculation that the man can’t coexist with such people. This thought doesn’t change even now. Basing on this thought, I wonder that the only way for the peace is disarmament. If all army and weapons are disappears overnight, the conflicts of religion, ethnic and so on must be remained. The real peace is never achieved as long as there is some conflict. The efficient murder by using weapons must disappear by the disappearance of weapons, but the victims of the conflict never disappear as long as there is the conflict. We can kill others without weapons. So I think that the affair each nations control each other is more pacific than the affair that each nations disarmament. There is an old saying of Rome: “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”. It means that if you hope the peace, you must prepare for the war.
It goes without saying that the war is misery. The people continue to kill others and who killed more wins at war. It is too savage and misery to express it by language. The war is never allowed. But it never means that all of the army must be dissolved. It never means that the real peace is achieved by disarmament. I don’t think that disarmament is the only way for the peace. The conflicts never be solved by disarmament.. I want to the people who think that JSDF violates the peace, they must be dissolved, they are not needed to think that the peace of japan is defensed by JSDF. They are never needed, but needed for the peace.

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