
The concludion

Until now, I introduced about JSDF, U.S. Army and national defense. Basing on these things, I want to state my opinions.

It has been about 60 years from the defeat of Japan at the last war. These days, after some decades from the defeat, many people who thought the army is evil, disarmament is the only way for peace were appeared. Even now, there are many people who claims that JSDF and U.S. army must be dissolved or must withdraw from Japan. It goes without saying that if all army of each nation is disappear overnight, the misery war must get fewer than now. It is true to a certain degree. But I want you to think the follows.

The religious conflict, the ethnic conflict, and so on are the problems which made the man worry for a long time: even before the born of Jesus Christ. To peruse the human history, there are no nations which didn’t experience any war with neighbor nations. Sometimes there were some nations which experienced the internal disunity. So the conflict is what we call human karma. The man is what we call social being. The man can’t arrive without society. And the society is stand on the sharing one’s sense of value with others. So the man precludes others who don’t have the same sense of value to protect one’s society. Further, although, too extreme speculation that the man can’t coexist with such people. This thought doesn’t change even now. Basing on this thought, I wonder that the only way for the peace is disarmament. If all army and weapons are disappears overnight, the conflicts of religion, ethnic and so on must be remained. The real peace is never achieved as long as there is some conflict. The efficient murder by using weapons must disappear by the disappearance of weapons, but the victims of the conflict never disappear as long as there is the conflict. We can kill others without weapons. So I think that the affair each nations control each other is more pacific than the affair that each nations disarmament. There is an old saying of Rome: “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”. It means that if you hope the peace, you must prepare for the war.
It goes without saying that the war is misery. The people continue to kill others and who killed more wins at war. It is too savage and misery to express it by language. The war is never allowed. But it never means that all of the army must be dissolved. It never means that the real peace is achieved by disarmament. I don’t think that disarmament is the only way for the peace. The conflicts never be solved by disarmament.. I want to the people who think that JSDF violates the peace, they must be dissolved, they are not needed to think that the peace of japan is defensed by JSDF. They are never needed, but needed for the peace.

The conflict about Takeshima island and Senkaku Islands.

Until now, I explained what is JSDF, and why they are needed mainly. Today I want to introduce two specific examples which in the future JSDF must cope with.

The two examples are nothing but the problem about territory. Now our nation has some problem about territory, but in particular, the problem about Take-shima island and Senkaku island are most serious. These two problem become more and more serious day by day. Because I introduced the outlines of these two problems some week ago, I want to tell you my thought about what JSDF and Japanese government must do.

First term is about Takeshima island. As you know, this island is occupied by korea illegally. Every year, Japanese government protest Korean government about this, but the situation doesn’t gain at all. Japanese government shows their intention to present the case to the International Court of Justice but the consideration doesn’t start as long as both the plaintiff and the accused don’t agree, the consideration wasn’t held till now. Over again, Korean government started to claim that Tsu-shima island (it locates near Takeshima island.) is also Korean territory. About Tsushima island, due to there is Western Army Infantry Regiment, the defense structure is already constructed, but about Takeshima island, the problem has as yet been scarcely dealt with. About these problems, what JSDF and Japanese government should do?
Nowadays the anti-Japanese sentiment in Korea is stronger and stronger day by day. As general, if the relation with the neighbor nation becomes worse at the time that domestic affair is hard due to an economic crisis and so on, the war can easily break out. The relation between Japan and Korea is like that. Japanese government must do his best to avoid the war breaks out, but at the same time, to prepare for the breaking out. And if the war breaks out, the victory or defeated must depends on the naval power. So JMSDF must be reinforced more.

The second is about Senkaku islands. This problem is more serious than the problem of Takeshima island. 

Everyday the warship of China violates the territorial waters of Japan. And the People's Liberation Army shows their intention that the war can’t help to break out. The anti-Japan sentiment becomes stronger and stronger day by day. To make matters worse, the power of China is stronger than Korea. So it is too hard to cope with China’s reckless action by Japanese own efforts. So to defense Japanese territory, it is very important to cooperate with U.S. Army. Nowadays there are some people who claim that the base of U.S. Army in Okinawa must be transferred to out of Okinawa because U.S. Army is not needed by the inhabitants of Okinawa and they violate the peace of Okinawa. I think it is wrong. If there are not the Base of U.S. Army, Senkaku islands and even Okinawa must be occupied by China in the future. The U.S. Army is needed. And it is also important to cooperate with other Asian nations which conflict with China to oppose China.


The Gallery Of JSDF's Weapons.

Today, I want to introduce about the weapons JSDF have. As general, the weapons are regarded just as dangerous or barbarous. But in peacetime, they must be regarded as a kind of works of art, which has a beauty of function. This time, I want you to feel the beauty of them.

First I introduce you the weapons of JGSDF. As general, the tank is the existence which is on behalf of the army. Especially, the Type 10 tank which is the tank of JGSDF is very beautiful. As its name indicates, it was officially adopted as the Japanese MBT in 2010. The character of it is the prominent ability to control the firing shooting and the bulletproof ability. Its armor can repel even depleted uranium shells. And the main battery: 120 mm L/44 can pierce the front armor of any other foreign MBT, can shoot through the target which is 3km away. I think Type 10 tank is one of the strongest MBt in the world.

Second I want to introduce So-ryu class submarine, one of the submarine which JMSDF have. There are something worthy of special mention. First, it is the biggest submarine of regular power in the world. Second, it is one of the quietest submarines in the world.
In addition, Chinese Navy and Korean navy don’t have the effective way to sink it due to the silence of Soryu class submarine.(So-ryu class is too quiet to find it by their weapon). So they can’t land on Japan easily because their landing ship can be sink by So-ryu class submarine at the mercy of it. So-ryu class submarine is what we call the sea wall which defend Japan from them.

Third, I introduce F-2. F-2 is the first fighter which Japan developed on their own after the last war ended. The point worthy of special mention is the amazing ability to attack ships. They can be equipped with four ASMs alt a time. As general, fighter can be equipped with two ASMs at a time. But f-2 can be equipped with four ASMs at a time, so F-2 has the prominent ability to attack ships. And F-2 is the fighter redesigned F-16 which is developed by General Dynamics Corporation. F-16 is known as one of the light fighters which is good at dog fight. So the fighter redesigned F-16: F-2 is also good at dog fight. At comprehensive view, F-2 is one of masterpiece of figter.

This time, I introduced you some weapons which JSDF have. Nothing to say there are another weapons much more. The weapons which I introduced this time are only one part of them. I think most Japanese people are not interested in weapons. But they are clearly cool and beautiful.


The problems which JSDF and U.S. Army in Japan have

This time, I want to introduce about “The Problems related to JSDF and U.S. Army ”
There are some problems about JSDF and U.S. Army. Some of the are known to everyone, and the others are not. I want to introduce such problems.

To begin with, I introduce some problems which are not known generally. The problem JSDF have is mainly the short of the budget and the strength of a troop. Especially the short of JSDF’s budget is very clearly. It is said that “the real enemy of JSDF is Ministry of Finance Japan” 

The half of JSDF’s budget is occupied by the cost of maintenance of their weapon and what is left is labor costs. In short, it is very hard to improve their weapon. It is big problem. As a rule, the weapon is progress rapidly. If the generation is gain one, the tactical value of the weapon changes significantly. For example, the 5th generation fighter F-22 is equal to 120 F-15s, the 4th generation fighter. So not to able to renew weapon means the war potential decline. The main purpose of JSDF is national defense, it can’t be ignored. And the short of strength of a troop is as important as the short of budget. As general, the war can’t be influenced the strength of a troop simply, but if once enemy lands on Japan, the gap of the strength of a troop is very big problem.

Next, what is the problem known to everyone?

Not to say, the problem about the bases of JSDF and U.S. Army. In concrete terms, the noise problem and  the confrontation between them and neighborhood. Recently, the problem about U.S. Army’s  base in Okinawa enlivens public opinion. This problem is very simple in itself, but it is too difficult to solve. The claims of some people who think the base of U.S. Army are as follows: “the local burden” “the crime committed by soldier of U.S. Army”. Medias report the problem every day. The demonstration march which demand to get rid of U.S. Army’s base last year is flesh in my memory. Them, is it right to get rid of the bases from Okinawa? As I claimed in former articles, my answer is “NO”. Specifically “NO”. The reason is as follows. First, about the burden of local people. I think the existence of this problem is true. I think the noise caused by helicopter and fighter and so on may be very noisy. I think there may be some people who fear soldiers. But Okinawa gets the favor equal to their burden. One of it is the compensation. The public facilities in the city which have U.S. Army’s base is very splendid. It doesn’t look like the normal public facilities in an isolated island. All of them are the result of Japanese government’s compensation. And add to it, there are about 500 hundred U.S. Army’s soldier in Okinawa. I take it for granted that we can’t ignore there economic power. If we get rid of all of them, the economy of Okinawa would be broken. U.S. Army in Okinawa contributes the economy of Okinawa. In addition, if we get rid of them from Okinawa, the vulnerable Okinawa would be left. I wonder China neglects Okinawa. I think they wouldn’t neglects Okinawa. Actuary, they claim that Okinawa is Chinese territory. So to defend Okinawa from China, U.S. Army’s base is needed.


To Defense Japan, What Is Needed?

Until now, I have introduced about some fighting power in Japan mainly. Today, I want to focus on how to defense Japan in recent urgent Asian situation.

To begin with, I introduce some cause of war between Japan and some nations. They are mainly territorial issues. For example, the dominion of Takeshima-island, Senkaku Islands, and the Northern territories are cause of war. Especially, the territorial issue of Thkeshima-island and Senkaku-Islands become more and more seriously. These issues possibly cause the war between Japan and China or Korea. And much more, the issue of the dominion of Senkaku-Islands is the issue between Japan and China. As you know, China bolster presto recently and finally they made a carrier go into commission. In addition, to make matters worse, the issue about the dominion of Senkaku-Islands has another aspect; the issue of natural resource. There are large amount of oil around the Senkaku-Islands. The year that Chinese government started to claim that the Senkaku-Isalands is Chinese territory is 1971. That is just after a year that the UN breathed there are large amount of oil. This facts shows that the real purpose of China is not robbed Japan of Senkaku-Islands itself, but the oils there. Because aving large amount of oil means having military strength, Chinese government must want Senkaku-Iskands so badly they can taste it. Now, the condition to break  out a war between Japan and China have been completed. There is no doubt for the opening war.

To defense Japan in these serious situation, what should Japan do?

First, Japanese government must increase the budgets for national defense. The ratio that the budget for Japanese national defense occupying is about 1%. That is about half time as much as Chinese. This is much lower- level than many developed countries. Needless to say, it is not good that increasing the budget for national defense instead of decreasing the budget for social security. But taking it into consideration, it is too little. The first step to defense Japan is to increase the budget for national defense and to enhance the equipment of JSDF.
Second, Japan must deepen the relation of some countries which suffered from Chinese invasion. Current Japanese line to defense japan is constructed with the Japan-Us Security Treaty. In Japan there are the foolish who claims that the situation of Asia is steady, and the U.S. Army in Japan menace it. It is great mistake. It is very effective defense Japan with America because they have the strongest military strength. It is difficult to defense Japan by only the power of JSDF but it is easy to defense Japan with U.S. Army. And much more, as I said just before, to form alliance with another Asian nations which suffered from Chinese invasion is also effective. It is not no exaggeration that these nations are all of the nations which bordering China. So if Japan form alliance with those nations, it would also perform the effective way to defense Japan from Chinese invasion.

The U.S. Army In Japan

Today, I want to introduce the U.S. Army in Japan. As you know, there are a lot of bases of U.S. Army in Japan. Those were set up after the end of WW. Recently, some people claims that “Japan is forced to have U.S Army’s base and still controlled by U.S. due to the last lost battle.”  Undoubtedly, it is true on the surface. But the mean of the exist of U.S. Army in Japan is not only it. This time, I want to examine the question “Why there are a lot of U.S. Army’s base in Japan” in the point of view of national defense.

As I said before, the bases of U.S. Army’s are set up during the occupation of U.S., after Japanese lost of the last war. it is natural that after the war, the victor nation occupies the defeated nation. And it is also natural to set up bases for their forces. But it is unnatural that the bases set up more than 60 years ago still exist. For instance, the U.S. Army in Iraq withdrew there due to the pressure from domestic and foreign. In Philippine, the same affair happened too. As these affairs show, U.S. Army can withdraw easily if U.S.’s government hopes so. So it shows a possibilities that there are some means of the existence of U.S. Army’s base in Japan.

To begin with, I want to focus on the international situation of these days. These days, to divide roughly, there were two camps what we call “victor nations” and “defeated nations”. But seeing it more carefully, the world was be able to divide two camps, the East and West camps. It was the combat of capitalism vs socialism what we call “Cold War”. But the U.S. and the SUSR , the leader of each camps, were hardly impoverished due to the last war. So they began the war by proxy. The war by proxy means to fight instead of the U.S. and the SUSR. For that reason, the U.S. and the SUSR want friendly nations as much as possible. Without exception, Japan was include the friendly nations of the U.S.. To say nothing of, Japan had large national power. So it is natural that the U.S. want Japan to stay there friendly country. And not only it, the place of Japan is also important. As you know, there are China and Rossi next to Japan. Needless to say, they were the leaders of the East camp. So, if Japan were incorporated by them, the U.S. would face to them. It means that they can advance to the pacific Ocean. Seeing it from the point of view of the U.S.’s national defense problem, it means that the U.S. would be exposed to the danger of them. So to the U.S. , Japan became one of the most important nation in the world. this shows us the reason why the U.S. Army’s base in Japan developed.

Now, the Cold War has ended. But china still expose the ambitious to advance the Pacific Ocean. As a matter of course, the U.S. would to be displeased. So to contain it, the bases of The U.S. Army in Japan are very important.


The recent affair which related to JSDF

On my questionnaire survey about JSDF on this web site, some people answered “I don’t know them well”. So I introduced their tasks on last article. But I think that there is some people wondering “Their tasks are really needed?” I can answer the question clearly : I can say “Yes!” Unmistakably their tasks are needed for Japanese peace. Today, I would like to mention some affairs about their tasks which related to “Japanese crisis”

The first example is the affair that JASDF did warning shot to SUSR’s scout that violated Japanese territory sky. To begin with, I would like to explain the outline of this affair.

December 9 1987
10:30 Miyakojima sub base’s radar found four planes of unknown nationality.
10:45 JASDF did scrambling.
11:24 The planes flied over Okinawa. At the same time, JASDF’s interceptor did warning shot.
11:45 The planes went out of Japanese territory sky.

The outline is over. Nothing to say, the four planes were USUR’s. Two of these were bomber and another is scout. I want you to think that if there were not JSDF. If there were not JSDF, what would happen. If the four planes were about to attack Okinawa and there were not JSDF. It goes without saying that the two bombers must have had atomic bomb. What would happen if there were not JSDF.

The second example is about illegal occupation of Takeshima island by Korea. This affair shows us “What would happen if there were not JSDF”

From 1952 to 1965, many Japanese fishermen who went fishing around Takeshima island were caught and killed by Republic of Korea NAVY. The amount of the people’s number were reached about 328. Why they were caught and killed? The reason is as follows.
In 1952, Syngman Rhee, Korea’s first president, set Syngman Rhee Line. It meant the area of Korean territory sea and according to the line, Takeshima was include Korean territory sea. There is no room for doubt that Takeshima has been traditionally so and still remains the same Japanese territory. Needless to say, the line was set one-sidedly by Korea without Japan’s consent.
The sea around Takeshima is good fishing spot. So these days, many Japanese fisherman go fishing there. But suddenly, the line was set, Takeshima was occupied by Korea and many Japanese fishermen were caught that they violated Korean territory of sea.
As usual, if such affair happen, JSDF depart and solve the affair. But JSDF was settled in 1954. So those days, when Syngman Rhee Line was settled, there were no forces which was able to battle with foreign forces. So Japan could do nothing.
As result Takeshima is still occupied by Korea. This tragedy were happened due to JSDF’s absence.

Today I introduced only handful example. There are about hundreds of affairs which JSDF related.
But I’m glad if you understand why JSDF is needed.